Tag: florida

  • I got 99 pictures and the beach is fun

    As I mentioned before, we went to the beach at the beginning of June. It feels like yesterday but it is August. I love in all caps the beach. LOVE it. We rented a house in Seaside this year and had the best time. The first week we were there, the temperature was really mild…

  • It’s Magical

    Steve and I went to California last week. I was going to post some pictures, but then realized I never wrote about our Disney World trip. It was in March. Who goes to Disney World and doesn’t post pictures? I should have my blog license revoked. In my defense, we aren’t big Disney people. SK…

  • time flies and flies sting

    There are so many things that I intend to post here… pictures, recipes, various rants. Unfortunately, I have little time left at the end of each day. Today, my to-do list had 16 tasks. Sixteen! I am proud that I accomplished 15 of them. Sorry, Teddy… I promise I will feed you tomorrow. (Teddy is…