Tag: Christmas
so merry and so bright
I hope you and your family had a great Christmas. I got so caught up in not stressing out that I didn’t blog for over a month. But don’t go thinking I was sitting around eating peppermint bonbons all day. Oh no, there were lots of Christmas festivities. Graham was a shepherd in the Grandparent’s…
friday five
Happy Friday. Someone (you know who you are) told me that they weren’t fond of my Friday Five posts. So I assumed the rest of you didn’t care for them either. Then last night at our neighborhood Christmas get together two someones requested I write them more often. Sorry someone #1. You’ve been outvoted. I…
Hairy Christmas
Per usual, Santa came early to see the boys. I’m not sure how they have managed to stay on the early list. They must’ve been grand Father Christmas’d in. While the boys were leaving out cookies and milk, Graham asked why Santa doesn’t have diabetes from eating millions of cookies. Then he said, “It must…