Month: October 2013

  • friday four

    Two posts in two days? Slap me silly, and call me Sally. It must be all the extra time I have since I’ve stopped complaining about how hot it is. Hallelujah. 1. Leopard Coat Since the cooler weather is here (and hopefully to stay), I tried on my Asos leopard coat I ordered a while…

  • {No} Toy Story

    Beautiful Laurel of The Lovely Bee asked me to write a post for her series, My Favorite Room. I chose our living room… Check out my post on The Hive to find out why. A big thanks to queen bee Laurel for asking me to contribute. If any of you are in the market for…

  • the (not so) old man and the sea

    SK had a birthday in September. Despite the fact that he doesn’t age, we make him go along with the charade. If he doesn’t hurry up and turn me into a vampire, I’m screwed. See… He is 39. I have the candles to prove it. For the past few years we have gone on a…