Month: June 2012

  • (not so) faq

    Another year has come and gone, and baby blog is TWO. In honor of the big day, I decided to answer some frequently asked questions; like the big girl bloggers. You know the ones. Their inboxes are crammed sooooo full of questions that they can’t respond individually, so they “reply all” via a blog post.…

  • Sorry I’ve Been So Beachy Lately…

    Hello all. How’s summer treating you? We have been busy. Work, baseball, going to the beach… I don’t know about you, but I don’t like to spend much time getting dressed while on vacation. Or at all during the summer. It is too hot, and there is just too much going on. The following are…

  • the graduate

    A couple of weeks ago, Wells graduated from kindergarten. It was precious. The ceremony was so sweet, and the kids did a fantastic job. Notice that Graham is not in any of the photos. Totally my fault. Graduation began at 8:15 and lasted over an hour. I didn’t give him breakfast before we left home.…