Steve and I went to California last week. I was going to post some pictures, but then realized I never wrote about our Disney World trip.
It was in March.
Who goes to Disney World and doesn’t post pictures? I should have my blog license revoked. In my defense, we aren’t big Disney people. SK and I both went growing up, and we took Wells when he turned four. But given a choice, we would take the beach any day. I know. You are appalled. Please don’t hold it against me. Something about the long lines, heat, crowds, and did I mention the long lines? We probably would have “forgotten” about taking Graham at four, but sweet Mawmaw Sarah offered to take him. (G you owe your Mawmaw big time.) Before we left, Steve asked one of my friends why she likes Walt Disney World so much. (Yes, he threw in the “Walt.”) She replied, “It’s magical… there is music in the trees.” I made a mental note to appreciate the tree music while waiting in all. the. lines.
Before we left, my parents went into grandparent panic mode and were 100% sure we would lose Graham. They made me promise to put him in one of those baby leashes. I borrowed one from a friend, but homey was not having it.

The day before we left, I was flipping through pictures from our last trip and came across this one…

Wells actually turned four while we were there, and so I decorated the room. Graham saw the picture and said he couldn’t wait for his Disney decorations so, you know…

I am a pushover.

There was a lot of “whoa” face…

Look at these jazz (man) hands… looks like somebody likes Disney a little more than she is letting on. (Just FYI, Fastpass is the key to my Disney happiness.)

Lucky for us, our kids aren’t hard core Disney either. Don’t get me wrong, they loved it. They were just done and ready to head to the pool by lunch time. And that was more than fine with us. Oh, except for all the money we wasted flying to Orlando to go to a pool.

They did the pool water slide about 100 times each day. Maybe that explains why Graham fell asleep at dinner every night.

By the fourth day, we were all worn out. I don’t know how you seven dayers do it. Overall, we had a fantastic trip. The weather was perfect, everyone had a blast and we didn’t lose Graham. Now that is magical.

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