Month: March 2012
spring break
The last spring break trip I took was during college to Panama City, Florida. Let’s just say a lot has changed since then. I mean, hello? I am so much cuter now. A couple of weeks ago during Wells’ spring break from school, we decided to visit SK’s grandmother in North Carolina. I was a…
fake bake 101
When I was very young (high school, I think), I had an irregular mole removed. The cells were atypical, and the doctor recommended I have my skin checked at least twice per year. Since then, I have had so many removed that I have lost count. Because I am at a high risk for melanoma,…
don’t judge a book…
Well hello. Have you missed me? I’ve missed you terribly. I had a little problem with the ol’ Macbook. Remember that issue I have with deleting? I hit rock bottom. I got a warning that my startup disk was full, and then the screen went completely blue (gasp). I took it to the Apple store…