Tag: Easter

  • trippin’

    Thank y’all so much for all the blog birthday comments… I loved reading them. Also, congratulations to Samantha! You are the proud new owner of a breakable berry basket. (Graham chose the winner so the rest of y’all can be mad at him, not me.) Remember how crazy I get before we go on a…

  • hoppy Easter

    While other bloggers are posting recaps of their morning activities and delicious lunches, I am just getting around to Easter. Not that I am a blogger. If you call me that, I will likely curl into the fetal position and chew on my hair. It’s the same reaction I have when someone says kiosk, moist…

  • Easter 2013

    If nothing else, this blog is timely. Unless we are talking about every holiday post before this one, in which case, not so much. And timely is a relative term. Easter was just over a week ago. Less than one month = right on time in my book. Except I don’t have a book because…