There’s no time like the quarantime to write my annual blog post. Here’s a glimpse into what is happening around here…
Lots of it. Not sure how we are wearing so many clothes, considering no one has gone anywhere. I will be issuing a shelter in the same outfit order later this afternoon.
I have cooked every single meal since March 15. I made chicken tortilla soup one night but didn’t have any tortilla chips. I cut up tortillas and fried them in cooking oil. I am basically a pioneer. They did wear me down for pizza one Friday. I don’t feel like it counts as takeout since it had to be decontaminated in the triage area (the driveway) before being brought into the house and reheated in the oven to kill any lurking germs.
Breakfast. Second breakfast. Brunch. Snack before lunch? I will allow it. Wells asked me if I was trying to fatten him up so he can be eaten when we run out of food.
Because I am convinced one of us has Coronavirus at least twice per day. The last time I risked death by way of Kroger, it took me two and a half hours to Clorox wipe the groceries down. I’m fine. Everything. Is. FINE.
The snacks. My phone charger. Myself in my car in the garage. Next week, I am packing a bag and checking into the guest room for a few days. Can’t wait!
Mainly to myself. Graham caught me the other day, and asked if I was having a parent teacher conference.
Not Shopping Online For Clothes
What’s the point? We are never going anywhere ever again.
Not Homeschooling
I provide pencils and wifi. Their wonderful teachers provide the rest. I walk through a couple of times a day and say, “You’ve got this!?” They might not pass this year, but they will be much more independent.
Face Masking
I have slathered and smeared on every lotion, peel, potion and Sephora sample I could find in my bathroom cabinet. At the end of this, I will have prison roots and be insane, but hopefully my skin will look better.
Watching Tiger King
How else could I understand the memes?
I am also working from home, trying to find Clorox wipes online and taking photos of the cat. Speaking of, I got tired of seeing the litter box on the screen porch, so I tacked this old fabric up to hide it…

Clearly, I was very proud of my accomplishment, so I showed it to the boys. Wells said, “Wow mom. Other people are making masks for healthcare workers and you made a privacy curtain for the cat. Good job.”
In my defense, I do not know how to sew. Nor do I have a sewing machine. Also, no healthcare worker would want a mask made out of that fabric because it was used as a table cover at a kids birthday party.
Lastly, I am missing my family (especially my mama), my friends and most of my coworkers. I am praying for the people who are sick and the ones working hard to help them get better. I hope you all have a fabulous Easter weekend.