Tag: garden

  • Things I would rather do than taxes

    I would like to do the following things instead of my taxes: Build a white farmhouse. Or maybe this one. With a lovely grass lined pool. (Look how happy the boys are.) I would also plant a lovely garden on the grounds of said farmhouse. From seedlings I grew in my greenhouse.    And I…

  • trippin’

    Thank y’all so much for all the blog birthday comments… I loved reading them. Also, congratulations to Samantha! You are the proud new owner of a breakable berry basket. (Graham chose the winner so the rest of y’all can be mad at him, not me.) Remember how crazy I get before we go on a…

  • I was country when collards weren’t cool

    For the past six years we have planted a tiny garden in our backyard. It is lots of fun for the kids (i.e., ME). We plant squash, eggplant, cucumbers, basil, rosemary, dill, jalapeños, tomatoes and bell peppers in the spring, and collards, kale and green onions in the fall. All we need are some chickens.…