Tag: books

  • friday four

    It’s been a while, so how about a Friday Four? Contain yourself. #1 It’s All Good Gwynnie released a new cookbook last week. It focuses on clean eating so there are zero recipes with red meat. It includes meal plans in the back for different weeks… detox, family-friendly (my family would not be friendly if…

  • Bebe Book

    Last month the book club read Bringing Up Bebe by Pamela Druckerman. (Anyone know how to get those slashy french things above the Es?) I don’t think the “French parenting wisdom” described in the book is anything more than common sense, but I enjoyed the book, nonetheless. It was my turn to host, so I…

  • don’t judge a book…

    Well hello. Have you missed me? I’ve missed you terribly. I had a little problem with the ol’ Macbook. Remember that issue I have with deleting? I hit rock bottom. I got a warning that my startup disk was full, and then the screen went completely blue (gasp). I took it to the Apple store…