Well hello. Have you missed me? I’ve missed you terribly. I had a little problem with the ol’ Macbook. Remember that issue I have with deleting? I hit rock bottom. I got a warning that my startup disk was full, and then the screen went completely blue (gasp). I took it to the Apple store and threatened begged the guy helping me to save my pictures. He informed me that there was “no way” the blue screen was caused by too many pictures. He was wrong. He managed to save everything, but told me to see a therapist for the underlying issues. I told y’all I need help.
We also went out of town for a few days during spring break… which is technically in winter since today is the first day of spring. Oh, and I lost an hour. I would have totally blogged (and deleted pictures) if I’d had that hour. So that brings us up to speed on my excuses.
We decided to drive straight through on our return trip from North Carolina. It was 11+ hours. Luckily, I wasn’t driving (SK is a saint) so I decided to read. Donna sent me her copy of The Hunger Games (thanks, Ms. Donna!). I read a couple of pages, but somehow it ended up in the pile. I started over and read the entire book on the drive home. It was fantastic… I could not put it down. If you haven’t read it, you must. And do it fast because the movie comes out this Friday. I am like a giddy teenager watching movie trailers on Youtube and reading Tiger Beat in the checkout line at Kroger(s). I will also be taking my 3 and 5 year olds to the matinee if I don’t have a babysitter so just deal with it. Or, you can keep my kids. Up to you.
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