Tag: birthdays

  • snow and birthdays

    January was a blur. So was 2012. And 2006-2011. I think having little ones makes time go by faster. Just an observation. I did manage to work in another birthday. I was in Houston for work on the actual day, so we celebrated early. The boys took me to brunch and gave me cupcakes… It…

  • time flies and flies sting

    There are so many things that I intend to post here… pictures, recipes, various rants. Unfortunately, I have little time left at the end of each day. Today, my to-do list had 16 tasks. Sixteen! I am proud that I accomplished 15 of them. Sorry, Teddy… I promise I will feed you tomorrow. (Teddy is…

  • not so fast

    Last week, we celebrated Wells’ sixth birthday. People always say, “They grow up too fast.” I never understood how fast until Wells came along. I also didn’t realize how heartbreaking it would be. It is not that I don’t want him to grow up… of course I do. I just wish he would slow down…