January was a blur. So was 2012. And 2006-2011. I think having little ones makes time go by faster. Just an observation.
I did manage to work in another birthday. I was in Houston for work on the actual day, so we celebrated early. The boys took me to brunch and gave me cupcakes…

It took me a minute to realize the numbers on the cupcakes did not represent the ages of my children. How am I 36? I was just 26, like, yesterday. I have decided to peel several layers of skin off (thank you, Retin-A) in honor of this momentous occasion. Everyone knows that scaly lizard face is better than old wrinkled face.
It also snowed during January. Snow in Mississippi is a big deal. Since it is such a rare event, it is important to cover all snow related activities.

Snowman, sledding, snow angels, snow ball fights and snow ice cream. Check, check, check, check and check. Graham was not particularly fond of the cold, so he spent most of the morning chilling on a beach chair in the garage. “Why. Is. It. So. COLD?”

He also helped defrost his brother when it was time to come inside.

Speaking of G, he turned four at the end of January. Didn’t we just bring him home from the hospital? And I’m not talking the head injury or the booty cooties.

Not only am I getting old, my babies are too. Excuse me while I go sob uncontrollably.
I’m back.
So Graham turned four, and we had cupcakes at school and a picnic in the park.

He asked for “poo-baaa-chee” rice for his birthday. The amount of rice this child consumes is extraordinary.

He also had a party at the Children’s Museum. What? You only turn four once. And this kid totally milks it. Not sure where he picked that up.

Partying and opening gifts is hard work. Especially when you do it for a week.
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