• G-L-A-M

    Oh my goodness. Guess where I am posting this from. Go ahead… guess. Not even close. I am writing this 30,000 feet in the sky. The husband, W and I are flying by plane (that is an inside joke) to California. And this bad boy has wi-fi. Seriously? I can blog in the sky but I don’t have cell service in downtown Jackson… hard to comprehend.

    Now if I could just get this stupid Fergie song out of my head…

  • Nuthin’ but a G

    I am sick.  Like, had to go to the doctor and get a shot sick.  Like, we don’t know what’s wrong with you, so just stay in bed and take a load of medicine until you feel better sick.  Ugh.  I need cheering up fast. This oughta do the trick…

    Works every time.

    Yes, smarty, my children have clothes.  They just won’t wear them.

    Did you see those moves?  It is obvious he got more from me than just my naturally blond hair.

  • Homework

    I had to work a bit this weekend.  Just between you and me, I sort of enjoyed it.  Not the work so much, but the cozy environment I created.  I mean, if you have to work on the weekend, you should at least trick yourself into thinking it is fun, right?  Seda France Malaysian Bamboo candle… check.  Ingrid Michaelson via Pandora… check.  Island Coconut coffee… check.  Life is short, and a great deal of it is filled with things we don’t particularly love.   Why not try to make the most of every minute?  Maybe candles and coffee aren’t your thing, but you know what you are into.  (No, I don’t need details, freak).

    I hope you had a lovely weekend…

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