Author: wowie
literally thighing
I don’t know about you, but I run out of things to cook during the week. I also get in a rut and make the same things over and over. “Mom. I can’t eat another turkey burger. I. Just. Can’t.” There is one thing on heavy rotation that gets zero complaints… chicken thighs. They are…
Friday Five
Happy first day of spring. After my last post, we decided Wells was well and ventured off on a spring break (during winter?) road trip to Asheville via Atlanta. Mid-trip, Wells relapsed, and I fell victim to the stomach evil. On the bright side, I read a great book on the drive home. 1. Come…
the grapes of wrath
Last week, school was cancelled because of the weather. The boys hung out in their pjs most of the day and waited for snow. And then it snowed! They both asked me to fetch the snowball makers Santa brought last Christmas. Too bad it only lasted five minutes and didn’t stick. They were snow…