Last week, school was cancelled because of the weather. The boys hung out in their pjs most of the day and waited for snow.
And then it snowed! They both asked me to fetch the snowball makers Santa brought last Christmas. Too bad it only lasted five minutes and didn’t stick.

They were snow disappointed.
The next day, I got a call that Graham had gotten sick during cooking class. I tried to blame it on raw cookie dough or something, but his teacher told me a bug was going around. Uncle Scott was visiting from Seattle. (Or as G calls him, “My long lost cousin Uncle Scott.”) He flew south for the winter only to end up “snowed in” a house full of stomach virus. No wonder he waits so long between visits.

So, Graham was pitiful, and I did what any concerned parent would do. I stocked up on 100% grape juice.
I’m not sure if it is scientific fact or superstition, but people swear by the stuff. Graham told me all his teachers drink it, and that they never catch the stomach bug.
I pumped the healthy members of the family full of it, and no one else got sick. Whew.
Yesterday, I got an email from Graham’s teacher that five more kids in her class had stomach virus. When I picked G up from school he told me that a little boy (who was sick last week) threw up again during class. Off we went to the Krogers to purchase more juice.
Might I add that this little experiment reminded me how delicious grape juice is. Just last night, Wells and I discussed how we both need more of it in our lives… virus or not.

Fast forward to 2 a.m. and the harsh wake up call of an eight year old barfing his brains out.
Now, there isn’t much worse than seeing your child sick. Except maybe seeing your child sick and puking purple on the stairs. You know. The stairs with the beige runner.
Lucky for Wells (and the rest of us), school was cancelled again today. He got to rest up and thankfully feels much better.
In conclusion, when the grape juice works, it works. But when it doesn’t, you do… for hours… scrubbing carpet.
I will never drink grape juice again.
Um, unless wine is considered grape juice.
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