The high today was ninety. NINETY. The other day, I saw a girl wearing plaid flannel and drinking coffee which I could only assume was an OMG PUMPKIN SPICE LATTE Y’ALL. She was a sweating, hot mess, and I thought she might have a heat stroke. I felt like I should turn the hose on her or something.
The first day of fall is TOMORROW. Take off that sweater. Take down those halloween decorations. Take your summer back.
You have like twenty four more hours.
That being said, there is still time to post pictures from your June beach vacation on your blog.
We spent a few days in Perdido Key for Uncle Kyle and Aunt Steph’s wedding. Wells and Graham had never been in a wedding before, and they were all sorts of excited. They were bummed when they found out they weren’t wearing tuxedos. Speaking of attire, I learned that one should never wear a wrap dress to a windy beach wedding.

When I was able to show my face again in public, we headed to Seaside. Where there is a will, there’s a wave.

One of my favorite things about vacation is early morning walks with Graham. I have the hardest time getting out of bed when we are at home, but for some reason I pop right up at the beach. G pops right up every day.

Gah. So many pictures. If you made it this far, it is likely fall now. I really hope he will scale back next year.

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