friday five {years}

The Wowie just celebrated its 5th blog birthday. It was a huge deal. Everyone wore white, drank too much Veuve and passed out on my lawn.

I’m sorry I didn’t invite you. To make it up, I am having a birthday giveaway.


The theme this year is “Stuff From Anthropologie That Looks Cute Together And Is Small Enough To Fit In This Container.” It includes a Capri Blue “Coastal” candle (Made in Mississippi… holla), Smith’s lip balm in Minted Rose, Barr-Co Soap in Marine and a ceramic berry basket. Because let’s be honest, everyone needs a ceramic berry basket.

For a chance to win, leave a comment below. A winner will be randomly selected next week. Speaking of random, one of my best friends from high school won the lottery earlier this year. THE FREAKING LOTTERY.

You better hope she doesn’t enter.

If you are super bored at work today, here’s some prior year birthday business…one, two, three and four .

Thanks for sticking with me the past five years. Y’all really are the best.

96 responses to “friday five {years}”

  1. We bought some of those ceramic berry baskets at the Anthropologie in St Louis once, and carrying them into the house for M I tripped on the steps, and they don’t bounce half as well as the paper ones ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. I love all things anthro!! North MS NEEDS one!! And I need this ceramic berry basket of goodness ๐Ÿ™‚ love your blog!

  3. Shannon Bozeman Avatar
    Shannon Bozeman

    Happy Birthday Wowie! Cheers to many more!

  4. Happy Blog-birthday!!! I can’t believe I’ve lived this long without a ceramic berry basket. I think this is fate:)

  5. Love that Capri candle!! Happy 5th birthday!!

  6. Happy 5th birthday! I am expecting my second boy in a few months and I just think yours are the cutest!

  7. Happy Blog Birthday!

  8. 5 years and going strong….your post are the best!

  9. Kaylee Hoffner Avatar

    Happy birthday to your blog! I stumbled upon it awhile ago via your brushetta post (my favorite by the way), and always look forward to new posts from you!

  10. I love Anthro so much!!!!!!!

  11. Happy Blog Birthday to you!

  12. Rachel Pursley Avatar

    Happy Blog-iversary to you!! And I’m headed down to 30A next week and as always, go off your fav places to eat!

  13. Happy Birthday, Wowie!

  14. love love your blog! congrats on 5 years!

  15. Me, me me!!! Even though I’m a complete stranger you should totally ditch the “at random” selection and just pick me! If it happens to not be my lucky day where do I purchase a ceramic berry basket, b/c I agree everyone does need one of these!

    Oh and Happy Anni from a fan who absolutely thinks you should blog more often!


  16. Congratulations on 5 years! I enjoy reading your blog so much!

  17. Happy blogging birthday! You’re posts are just hystericle and always have me laughing!

  18. Happy Bloggy Birthday! I love your blog and I NEED a ceramic berry basket.

  19. Happy 5 years! I always enjoy reading your blog…and the only thing missing from my kitchen is a ceramic berry basket. ๐Ÿ™‚

  20. The Lottery?!? My 10 year olds would respond to that comment by saying: “Seriously?” (eyebrows fully arched and eyes WIDE open). That is their response to everything right now. Hopefully this friend is someone you have stayed in contact with, and possibly exchange gifts with around Christmas? Maybe? Have a great weekend and Happy 5th blog birthday!

  21. happy five years ๐Ÿ™‚ please stay forever because you are one of my favorite reads!

  22. Kate McCutchin Avatar
    Kate McCutchin

    Happy 5th! Congrats!!!

  23. My last name is Smith so I think I’m the logical pick. J/S

    And I’m only bored at work today because we broke the internet. ๐Ÿ™‚


  24. Happy Blog BirthdayM

  25. Happy birthday!

  26. Happy Blog Birthday!! Yours is my fav!! Love your style from clothing, gardening, to home decor & on top of that your post always make me laugh! Love the way you love life & your sweet family!

  27. Happy 5 years! Love the blog. Precious giveaway. Pick me!!

  28. Happy Day! I love the โ€œStuff From Anthropologie That Looks Cute Together And Is Small Enough To Fit In This Container.โ€ hahaha

  29. Happy birthday! The basket is so cute!

  30. Happy 5 years! I love your blog and all things anthro!!

  31. Jessica mason Avatar

    happy Ani! Love your blog!

  32. I love your blog and following you on Insta. What a fun giveaway – happy 5 years!!!

  33. Congrats and happy bloggy birthday, Wowie!! Your posts always bring a smile to my face! Hugs and kisses.

  34. Brenda Hardage Avatar
    Brenda Hardage

    Happy 5th Birthday!!! I love reading your blog and looking at your Instagram photo’s! Your boys are sooooo cutie and I love reading about y’all’s adventures!

  35. Happy blog birthday to one of my FAVORITE reads!

  36. Happy birthday! ๐Ÿ™‚ love this blog. You should write more! Your posts are great!

  37. Love this blog and love all those goodies!! Happy blog birthday Wowie!!

  38. Love your blog.. So funny!

  39. Yay! Keep the posts coming! My favorite blog! In a non-stalker kinda way..

  40. HBD Wowie!!

  41. happy blog bday! i REALLY need a grey berry holder ๐Ÿ™‚

  42. Happy Birthday Wowie! Your blog posts can make me laugh out loud – and I love to laugh!

  43. Happy Blog Birthday!! I love your blog!!! You always make me smile big!!! Thanks for the Anthro give away!!!

  44. I love to read your blog posts!! Happy 5th birthday!! Love your recipes on here and the kids antics! xo!

  45. Alison Roberts Avatar

    Happy birthday. And fingers crossed on my end of the giveaway

  46. Happy Birtbday Wowie Blog! Still my fave!!

    1. Natalie Hightower Avatar
      Natalie Hightower

      Happy (blog) Birthday!!!

  47. Katie Mitchell Avatar
    Katie Mitchell

    Love your blog!!

  48. Lindsay Richardson Avatar
    Lindsay Richardson

    Oh Happy 5th Birthday!!! Cheers! ๐Ÿ™‚

  49. Happy Birthday… bring on the cute loot!

  50. Happy Birthday! Love your blog.

  51. I love Anthro! And Wowie…but who doesn’t?! Fingers crossed and Happy Birthday!!

  52. Elizabeth Beasley Avatar
    Elizabeth Beasley

    Happy blog birthday!

  53. Keena Frazier Avatar

    Love it! Happy Birthday and pick me!!!!!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  54. I absolutely love your blog! I was looking through beach pics of Seaside on insta and ran across one of yours, and that’s how I found your blog! Seaside is our favorite place on earth!

  55. love your blog and love the anthro candles!!

  56. Happy blog birthday!!

  57. Wow! Awesome great! Happy birthday!

  58. Happy 5th Birthday!! Hope y’all are having a great summer!!!

  59. Wishing the blog a HBD while waiting in this TL line!!

  60. Happy 5th Years! Love those candles from Anthro!

  61. Wowie!!!! I love your blog!!! I get excited when I see you’ve posted, I love reading your witty remarks and hearing about your fam! Thanks for the fun an entertainment! Happy 5!

  62. 5 years of The Wowie – a reason to celebrate indeed! Cheers!

  63. Happy Birthday!!

  64. Happy 5th birthday!

  65. Happy Birthday Wowie! Love your witty blog! And love me some Antro too!!!

  66. Rhonda Corkern Avatar

    Happy Birthday to!

  67. Happy Birthday! (And if I don’t win, I’d like your high school friend to share some lottery luck with me).

  68. Happy 5th birthday! I love your anthro picks ๐Ÿ™‚

  69. Prost!!!!! Happy 5th Blog Birthday!

  70. Your humor is my favorite! Love reading your blog!

  71. Happy blog birthday!!!! Pick me, pick me!

  72. Happy blog birthday! Visiting your site from Austin, Texas. ๐Ÿ™‚ I stumbled across your blog about a year ago and have been following it since. You always crack me up! Thanks for finally posting again ๐Ÿ˜‰

  73. Brooke newton Avatar

    I love this blog! It makes me smile. Happy 5th birthday!

  74. Angie robinson Avatar
    Angie robinson

    Love this giveaway!!

  75. Love love your blog!!

  76. Amanda Freeny Avatar

    Your blog has the same birthday as me!

  77. I hope you are having a great summer!!!!! It’s a hot one for sure
    Happy 5th blog birthday

  78. Happy birthday to your blog! Still my fave!!

  79. My FAVORITE blog and Instagram account!!!!!

  80. Happy blog birthday! I just love love your blog (and IG hashtags!!) ๐Ÿ™‚

  81. Kimberly Gray Avatar

    Happy Blog Birthday!! It would be so exciting to win the giveaway!! The color of the candle is the prettiest thing ever!! Thanks for the chance to win!!

  82. Happy blog birthday! Love the blog and wishing you many more!

  83. Happy Happy!

  84. 83 comments. That’s awesome. Look at all the people you help have a better day by writing your blog!

  85. I love your blog and that candle!

  86. happy blogiversary!!

  87. Happy blog birthday! Cheers ๐Ÿ™‚

    Justine @ Charm City Ciemny’s

  88. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! LOVE the theme this year!!! LOL!!

  89. Hope its not too late! Happy Blog birthday–I enjoy your blog, especially the product reccs.

  90. Happy 5 years! We get a gift on your blog’s birthday, no way! ๐Ÿ™‚

  91. happy 5th blog birthday! I love reading your blog!

  92. Enjoy your blog and Instagram. Congrats on 5 years!

  93. A 5th birthday in blog years is more like 25 or 50, right?!! Congrats and don’t ever stop ๐Ÿ™‚

  94. Love birthdays, Love celebrations and Love Anthro!
    Congrats on the blog milestone from this faithful reader.

  95. Truly enjoy reading your blog…. AWESOME giveaway ๐Ÿ™‚

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