The Wowie just celebrated its 5th blog birthday. It was a huge deal. Everyone wore white, drank too much Veuve and passed out on my lawn.
I’m sorry I didn’t invite you. To make it up, I am having a birthday giveaway.

The theme this year is “Stuff From Anthropologie That Looks Cute Together And Is Small Enough To Fit In This Container.” It includes a Capri Blue “Coastal” candle (Made in Mississippi… holla), Smith’s lip balm in Minted Rose, Barr-Co Soap in Marine and a ceramic berry basket. Because let’s be honest, everyone needs a ceramic berry basket.
For a chance to win, leave a comment below. A winner will be randomly selected next week. Speaking of random, one of my best friends from high school won the lottery earlier this year. THE FREAKING LOTTERY.
You better hope she doesn’t enter.
If you are super bored at work today, here’s some prior year birthday business…one, two, three and four .
Thanks for sticking with me the past five years. Y’all really are the best.
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