Friday Five

Happy first day of spring. After my last post, we decided Wells was well and ventured off on a spring break (during winter?) road trip to Asheville via Atlanta. Mid-trip, Wells relapsed, and I fell victim to the stomach evil. On the bright side, I read a great book on the drive home.

1. Come On Ride That Train


I finished The Girl on the Train in a day. The characters were extremely unlikable, and the plot was depressing. But, I could not put it down. It is dark, yet well written, and I loved the twist at the end. If you read it, I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Wait. I already know what you are thinking. The photo of the book and its wonky font on that wavy background would make anyone nauseated.

2. Solid Gold


You can stop looking for the pot of gold. I found it at the end of the rainbow that is Target. These shoes are so cheap, so comfortable and so ugly they are cute.

3. Pump Up the Jams

While at Target, I came across these pjs. They are the same style as the navy ones I mentioned here, but in a springy print. The picture doesn’t do them justice… much cuter in person.

4. Take Me Back Home To Mississippi


This Mississippi cutting board from Amazon (you’re killing me, Prime) is great for entertaining. Cheese, crackers, fruit and nuts make a perfect appetizer for unexpected guests. Seems fitting since it is the hospitality state and all.

As pictured, my dinner. We don’t have guests.

ps- If you like brie and blue cheese and you haven’t tried cambozola, get on it.

5. Mint To Be


How cute is this gold pot from Anthropologie? I added a couple of mint plants since it is spring and all. And since I like mojitos and all. It is $14 and 15% off today only.

Plus, it matches my sandals.


Be sure to check out all the Five on Friday posts. Have a great weekend!

14 responses to “Friday Five”

  1. I keep hearing such, such good things about The Girl on the Train! Definitely a book I’m looking forward to reading.

  2. The stomach devil made multiple rounds in our house and managed to change our spring break plans into a stay-cation. But I guess if I have to barf, I’d rather be barfing at home than on the road.

    1. HA! Good point. Sorry y’all were sick too. UGH.

  3. Oh and, is Girl on the Train like Gone Girl? I think I’m the only person in America who hated Gone Girl.

    1. The books are similar. Did you hate it because of the ending?

      1. I hated it because I couldn’t be on anyone’s side during the entire book. I hated all of the characters. In order for me to enjoy a book, I have to like at least one character.

        1. Well you won’t like Girl on the Train. They are all terrible.

          1. Good to know. I prefer to not be all, “Gah! These people!” when I read.

  4. Loved Girl on the Train! I couldn’t put it down…I do think it is a bit similar to Gone Girl but I would give it a chance Rachel…It is similar but different! And I read them back to back so maybe that’s why I thought that..

    1. I agree. I think the characters were a little more likable (at least in the beginning) of Gone Girl. I wanted to slap the girl on the train.

  5. Loved Girl on a Train! It was so bleak and dark but I just could not put it down. I’m in mourning trying to find another book. Why are the good ones so few and far between?! Loooove the sandals–they’re already in my online cart.

    1. I am on the lookout too. Let me know if you find a good one!

  6. I just looked up TGOTT last night on Amazon. Now I’ll gave to get it–you make it sound so good . . .oh, well. It can’t be any worse than The Fault in Our Stars–which was definitely for teenagers and NOT for parents!

    1. I can’t believe you didn’t like Fault in Our Stars! Whaaaaaat?

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