red turkey

I hope you and your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Since the boys were out of school, I took last week off to be with them. I asked Wells what he wanted to do while he was on break, and he requested to stay in pjs for an entire day. As much as I hated to (hint of sarcasm), I agreed. So Monday was pj day, but by 11 they both asked to change so they could go outside to play. Being the committed woman of my word that I am, I kept mine on all day.

I volunteered to cook the Thanksgiving turkey this year. After reading through several cookbooks and online recipes, I decided that brining the bird was the way to go. I used a “no leak” brining bag (2 gallon ziplock) from Whole Foods, and SK and I put it in our outside fridge (did I mention the turkey weighed 18 pounds?). The next morning, the bottom drawer of the fridge was flooded with salt water (from the brine and my tears). I went out and got another bag, and then manhandled the bird by myself because SK was at work. I might have dropped it and there’s a possibility that our garage looked like a crime scene. Then, I got up at 5 the next morning to roast it. Five. A.M.



Everyone said it was *moist* and delicious, but I think that was just out of pity and fear. But, Graham said that he loved the turkey. The red turkey.

Also known as ham (that Aunt Yaya purchased fully cooked from a fundraiser).

I was all about that baste, but I will never volunteer to cook another turkey.









We called Mawmaw K to wish her a happy Thanksgiving. While I was on the phone with her she said, “time passes so quick, honey.” I already suspected that was the case, but when a 95 year old says it the truth sinks in.

My little Lily four years ago…



And now…

And this weekend she officially becomes a teenager.

So quick, honey. So quick.

12 responses to “red turkey”

  1. I think brining is the way to go too! I have never used a bag and instead use a big shrimp pot. I have had a tremble of fear as I see the fridge shelf slightly bend under the weight of the pot, however, so far so good! Can’t imagine that mess. So sorry! Your turkey did look beautiful!

    1. A pot. With handles and a strong sturdy bottom. There’s a thought. Where were you a week ago?

  2. and this right here is the reason I will never brine my turkeys! mercy! i would have cried too! My turkey is probably not as moist as those that get brined but my gravy is so good I don’t think anyone minds. haha! 🙂 Your look darling and your little fellas are such cuties! xx

    1. Thanks Tessa. It is not for the faint of heart. Or for those that fear bacteria. I will not do it again.

  3. Mawmaw K is so right! My “baby” is now 18 and will be heading to college in the fall. If you need me, I’ll be curled up in a ball. Crying. Sniff.

    1. I am curled up in a ball for you.

  4. I never have tried brining because it sounds like too much work! But it sure looks great! Happy Thanksgiving! And Happy birthday to your sweet niece!

    1. Too much work AND mess.

  5. I have been following your blog for a while now and think you are so funny! I always refer back to your Elf on the Shelf post from a few years back and laugh hysterically each Christmas. Thought you would enjoy this article from Huff Post: Enjoy!


    1. Thank you! Hilarious article. Thanks for sharing.

  6. That’s a great lookin bird!

    1. Thanks Gina. So much fun seeing you last night!

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