berry easy

You are going to roll your eyes at this one and be all “No duh,” but I’m going to post it anyway. If I can reach one person who walks by those little cakes in the grocery store and wonders, “What are those for?” then I have succeeded.


My mama made these for me when I was little, so I now make them for Wells and Graham. I’m really throwing the term “make” around loosely, but pouring a carton of heavy cream into the mixer instead of buying Cool Whip should count for something.


Strawberry Shortcakes

1 package of tiny sponge cakes
1 carton of strawberries (washed and sliced)
1 carton of heavy cream
Powdered Sugar

Douse the strawberries with powdered sugar and put them to the side. The longer they sit in their sugar bath, the better they will be. Whip the cream and whip it good. Add a little powdered sugar to taste. Maybe put a little powdered sugar on your face and clothes so it appears you have actually done something. Plate them up and enjoy all your hard work and effort.


Don’t forget to pour a little bit of the strawberry juice on the sponge cakes. Or you can get all fancy schmancy and use a pound cake as the vehicle for the strawberries and whipped cream.


My go to pound cake recipe. But there really is no need to show off.

I hope you have a berry good weekend.

Ugh. That was a berry bad joke.

I am berry sorry.

(In case you missed it, another yummy strawberry dessert here.)

4 responses to “berry easy”

  1. My Papa made those for all of us grandkids growing up – and even your pictures brought me back to his kitchen table. Such a classic.

  2. My mother always used those for strawberry shortcake. They’re the best!!! Have a great weekend!

  3. Thank you berry much. Love your plates

  4. you crack me up. those look delicious. i want one right now. heck, i’d be happy with a little ramekin of fresh whipped cream. I’m trying hard to ignore my sweet tooth for a few weeks. i over indulged this winter which is all good and well when i’m wearing sweaters and leggings, but will not be so grand when i have to bare my body in a swimsuit. willpower find me now!! 🙂

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