The following is a public service announcement brought to you by The Wowie:
It is not December.
I repeat, it is NOT December.
So can someone please tell me why people have Christmas trees up already? Has this been happening for years but people were too embarrassed to admit it? Is it Instagram’s fault? Someone posted their floor to ceiling Christmas decorations on November 1st and then everyone else thought it was okay to come out of the Christmas closet? It sort of makes me want to deck myself in the halls.

I’ve mentioned my, ahem, distaste for fast Christmas here before. I know that people can put up their tree whenever they please. Heck, some people keep their outdoor lights up year round. I just don’t understand it.

I love Christmas, I really do. But I also love Thanksgiving and like to savor one holiday before rushing onto the next one. Why would someone want to fast forward fall? Why would anyone want to speed past Thanksgiving? People spend too much money on pumpkins to dump them the day after Halloween to make room for fake trees.

Thanksgiving is a beautiful holiday. Why do people want to dilute it with their eggnog lattes?

And you can’t beat the food. One word – PIE. Just try not to get any on your Christmas sweater.

I am thankful for those of you who agree with me. And to those of you who don’t, let’s just love each other through it.
But if you’ve already brought out the creepy elf, we just can’t be friends.
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