At the beginning of summer, we made a list of things we wanted to do.

I’m happy that we checked most things off. We had a camp out with Lily and made more s’mores than anyone could possibly eat.

Speaking of Lily, she spends a few days with us every summer. We call it “Lily Weekend” or “Wowie Weekend”… we are very creative around here. We went shopping, out to eat, to church and brunch, to a birthday party and the Mississippi Children’s Museum and had loads of fun around the house. They played water balloon baseball, slipped and slid, had a silly string color run and made homemade strawberry ice cream. Lily and I also got to watch Miss Mississippi together which was nice since my usual companions aren’t big on pageants.

Stevie took Wells to play golf and he really enjoyed it. Wells liked it too.

Maybe he will pick it up. A very fancy lady once told me, “Daaaaarling, every child should know at least one country club sport.” I have a feeling they don’t play water balloon baseball at country clubs.
There were lots of things that should have been on the list so I could check them off. Wells went to a couple of camps and G had a soccer camp. And we grew lots of veggies in our little garden. We are so organic.

There were lots of trips to the pool. Uncle Clay taught G how to dive. And that turned into various other diving board tricks. And the boys spent a week with my parents so they could go with Nan to vacation Bible school. Aunt Yaya took them to play laser tag which pretty much trumped everything else they got to do during summer break.

We took a 4th of July road trip to Atlanta and then onto North Carolina to visit Mawmaw Cecelia.

And to wrap it up, a trip to “Chunky Jesus” with friends…

As for things we didn’t check off… the ever elusive lightening bugs. You see them for a hot second and they get lighter and lighter until they are invisible. Kidding. I am just a terrible speller.

A few weeks ago while everyone was night swimming, My Daddy and I tried our hardest to catch a lightning bug for the boys. Those little fellas have gotten fast. Or maybe we have just gotten slow. Or maybe they really are lightening bugs.
We didn’t go fishing. But we do have a fish that I have managed to keep alive for the last 10 months so that should count for something. And by keep alive, I mean he refuses to die.
Poor little G. His only request was to try new fruits. How did I let that slip through the cracks? There are a few hours left in August… I need to secure some strange fruit STAT.
I hope you have a great Labor Day!
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