and many more…

I just don’t understand how this happened. The blog birthday has come and gone, and I completely missed it. You would think the huge number of comments on that day would have reminded me. Just for the record, one is a huge number when it comes to comments on this blog. Unless you count my friends at British Payday Loans and the Nigerian prince who wants to deposit “USD 10 million” in my bank account. Not that I am bitter. I talk to myself enough to know that I don’t need a lot of outside communication.

So anyway, I missed the THREE year anniversary of starting this blog. I don’t think I have ever stuck with anything for three whole years. Unless you count SK (11 years) and my current job (10 years). On second thought, I may be in this for the long haul. I know you are thrilled. JUST THRILLED.

As in years past, I thought it would be fun to do a blog birthday giveaway. I am feeling really beachy this week, so I decided on cute measuring spoons and a brass bottle opener from Anthropologie.


I know you were probably expecting Chanel or something, but the prince hasn’t made the deposit yet. Maybe I will host another giveaway when my British Payday Loan is approved.

Leave a comment, and a winner will be chosen at random next week. Contain yourself.

Seahorse out.

Congrats to Dana Miller! You are the winner of the birthday giveaway. I already emailed you for your address and will get these cuties to you ASAP. Thanks everyone for entering and especially for all the sweet comments. Y’all are the best!

35 responses to “and many more…”

  1. You’re blog is so cute and so funny!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Love your blog!! What a fun giveaway!!!

  3. I just started following your blog- thanks for the laughs!

  4. How fun! I really adore your blog. My second (of three) boys is a super-funny, super-blondie – so I always relate and laugh along with you when you post about the boys.

  5. I adore your blog! You and your family are just the cutest!

  6. I have been swooning over those Anthro goodies for quite some time……Yippie!

  7. Those are soooo cute!

  8. LOVE your blog! My new favorite read!

  9. Happy belated blog birthday! I recently found your blog when you posted at A. Liz Adventures. Such a fun read! Glad to have found it!

  10. Your blog is the greatest! Please, never stop blogging:)

  11. Love it!! You are so funny!!!

  12. Love your blog! Happy Belated Birthday, cheers to many more years!

  13. Rebecca Clark Avatar

    Count me in.

  14. Yay! Love these! Happy Birthday Wowie blog! And I hope the prince comes soon =)

  15. Found your blog through Instagram and love it! Hope you have many more blog birthdays!!!

  16. Adore these! Happy bloggie birthday! I started blogging this 4th of July holiday, too.

  17. Happy Blog Birthday!! Love love love your blog and these precious sea horses!

  18. Well obviously you know that I hope for MANY more blog birthdays to come from you! Cheers to three great years and many more. ๐Ÿ™‚

  19. I love these! They are so beachy and cute!! Happy blogiversary — and I have read many of your past stories and they make me laugh out loud so much!!! Hope to read many more in the future! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  20. Love your blog and Instagram! Happy blog birthday!

  21. oh-so-cute seahorses!
    found you via IG! just starting to read your blog,..
    love love

  22. You crack me up! Love seeing all your adorable pictures on IG and reading your blog. I keep promising to update the ole blog, but just don’t sit still long enough ๐Ÿ™‚

  23. Happy birthday to your blog!! Yay for a giveaway!! Xoxo, ash

  24. Happy Blog Birthday! I’m still waiting for my Turkish ancestor inheritance to be deposited ๐Ÿ˜‰ Hope y’all make it home soon!

  25. Congrats on your blog anniversary! I started reading your blog a few weeks ago – I went back and read all of your previous entries one afternoon – it was like reading a good book that I could not put down! I also think you have a great fashion sense about you!

  26. Happy Wowie Birthday! Those will look perfect in my beach house (one day). ๐Ÿ™‚

  27. You are adorable. I get lots of comments about nikes and SEO and prescription drugs. hahaha

    Congratulations on your blog too! Three years is a long time!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  28. Happy Anniversary! You is kind, you is smart, you is funny!

  29. Congrats on 3 years on blogging!! Your family is precious!!

  30. Happy Blog Birthday!
    I do really enjoy reading your blog!

  31. Congrats on keeping your blog going strong! I have tried bringing mine back from the dead a few times but it’s officially dunzo. I am now telling myself to at least get all our vacation posts printed into a book for a keepsake.

    1. Bring it back. You need to do a weekly post on all the cute things you find at TJ Maxx. I went for the pink pants and they were gone. Boo.

  32. You are absolutely hilarious!!!! What I wouldn’t give to spend the afternoon with you and the boys ๐Ÿ™‚

  33. If it’s not too late to enter this, I would love to. I am obsessed with seahorses and have been wanting these measuring spoons for months!!! Love!

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