Happy Friday! Long time gone. We went to Disney World, then there was spring break, then I had to recover and catch up from both. I promise more Disney pics than anyone would care to look at next week. I know you are SUPER excited. Try to contain yourself.
Someone asked me what my boys wear since they are anti-“baby clothes”. I will be the first to admit that boy clothes are not as cute as girl clothes… not even close. When I was pregnant with Wells, I was 100% sure I was having a girl. I’m a girl, my only sibling is a girl and her two children are girls. DUH. I was floored when the ultrasound tech told me otherwise. Tears were shed. SK was concerned… “But you are going to love him anyway, right?”
Of course I love him. It just took a little while to adjust to the idea. Mainly because I had envisioned a nursery swathed in blush and bashful. And the clothes! I’d been to baby stores… Racks and racks of pink ruffles, bloomers and bows. Boy clothes were covered in dinosaurs and on that shelf in the back corner by the restroom. UGH. Fortunately, I was wrong about the clothes (and lots of other things). There are so many cute things for little boys, you just have to know where to look
Here are some of my favorite websites and picks for spring/summer.
I heart Crewcuts. I do not, however, love their pricing. Lucky for my wallet, I get to the outlet store in Destin a couple of times a year. J Crew also has a factory store online that (when combined with coupon code) is reasonable.

I love this K Way windbreaker/ rain jacket. I want one for myself, however I do not kid myself that I can fit in junior sizes.

When I first saw these retro swim trunks, I thought they were mine… well, theirs. Then I saw the NINETY EIGHT DOLLAR price tag and decided that Gwyneth Paltrow’s kid will look adorable in them.

Gap, Old Navy and Target are great…

Anchor pullover here.

Skinny jeans here. Because you know your three year old is a hipster.

Anchor swim trunks here. I’m beginning to see a theme. Even if we are not at the beach, we can still dress like it.
The cutest pajamas…

and here
I love Mini Boden. Their clothes are a little on the pricey side, but they almost always offer a coupon code for 20% off and free shipping. Unfortunately, they won’t let me steal the pictures off their website.
These shorts are awesome. Not only are they super cute, they hold up like a champ. I order a couple of pairs each summer and they wear them almost every day. Graham is now wearing Wells’ from when he was four. No fading. Unlike you while reading this post.
They also have super cute t shirts. Unfortunately, they sell out very quickly. These are also very well made.
And the swimwear. They really have cute stuff. (Target also has really cute swim trunks for boys but they also sell out FAST.)
And this
I bought Wells and Graham both a pair of these last year. I think they are the cutest things ever in the history of the universe but Steve informed me that we are not, in fact, European. Oh.
I really cannot say enough good things about Boden. I should probably buy some stock. Except I have no money after buying clothes for two boys who grow faster than their hems can keep up. Maybe they will send me a box of clothes when they read this post. You know, because the CEO at Boden is one of the tens of people who reads this blog.
Moving on.
Honey Bee Tees has great graphics and is based in Alabama. They are hosting trunk shows this spring, but unfortunately none in Mississippi. You can still order online here.

As for extras, hats are a must in my book. I almost said “accessories” but it sounded too metro. Like boys in fedoras aren’t metro.

My kids both like Sperrys and Rain boots. Truthfully, they would rather have Darth Vader tennis shoes that light up and make noise, but I told them they are allergic to the LED lights. These hypoallergenic green sneaks from crewcuts are cool if you ask me.

As for traveling with kids, this IKEA suitcase is precious and small enough so that little ones can pull it…

And duffles are always cute (you could probably even get away with a monogram on this)…

Later taters… have a great weekend.
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