October strikes again

Every year I look forward to October, and then it totally kicks my butt. This year was no exception.

There was soccer…

A trip to the farmer’s market for pumpkins…

A trip to the fair…

And flag football…

Some s’mores making…

A little decorating for Fall…

Some painting…

A tailgate…

More football…

We got boo’d…

And boo’d back…

Went to another fair…

There was more soccer…

And a hoe down…

(Whoever was in charge of that pie eating contest did a fantastic job.)

And a tiny production at work…

A spend the night…

Some cupcake making…

And garden growing…

A Halloween party…

An office trick or treat…

(yes, that is a pig)

And Halloween fun…

(for the first time in forever, I didn’t make candy bags for the trick or treaters because I couldn’t find enough bags… sadness)

Look at those abs.

…amongst other things. And just like that, it is over. October left me worn out and wanting for more. I need a month to recover before we start talking Thanksgiving and Christmas.

One response to “October strikes again”

  1. ooooh! The pig! I need one of those. (Ok, not really, but I like to think I do).

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