winner winner

Thanks for the comments on the anniversary post. Congrats to lucky ducky, Sara! Sara, email your address to, and I will get the bracelet in the mail to you.

Speaking of winning, I won the Eat Jackson Staycation Giveaway. Woot woot! Good thing I knew who my true friends were beforehand.

I hope you had a lovely 4th. We did…

And boy did we need it after the last couple of weeks. More on that later…

Happy Friday!

2 responses to “winner winner”

  1. I love your blog and read it always. Could you tell me where you got your yellow bow blouse you are wearing in the top picture? It may be perfect for my family pictures that are coming up. Thanks!

    1. Thank you! It is from Anthropologie, but I got it last summer. They currently have this one that is very similar… Hope this helps!

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