Another year has come and gone, and baby blog is TWO. In honor of the big day, I decided to answer some frequently asked questions; like the big girl bloggers. You know the ones. Their inboxes are crammed sooooo full of questions that they can’t respond individually, so they “reply all” via a blog post. Since no one has ever asked me any questions, I had to make up my own.
Your use of punctuation is spot on. Any tips for someone struggling with commas?
Get a proofreader. I have two. I tend to think “less is more” when in comes to punctuation. They do not. At least they let me keep my nonsense words. (Thanks comma guys… y’all are the best)
Does your religion prohibit you from cutting your (or your children’s) hair?
No. I cut my hair every five weeks or so. Who am I kidding? Kristy cuts my hair. But shoulder length is the shortest it has ever been. Dixie told me long ago that I would be fugly with short hair. I am more damaged than my ends.
Do you have a therapist?
No, but I am pretty sure I need one.
When will your book be published?
I have to write one first. What? Everyone is writing a book these days.
Have you ever stuck anything up your nose?
Why yes, actually I have. I stuck a butterbean up my nose when I was around four. My daddy got it out with a fishhook. Later I stuck a pea up my nose. Not sure that one ever came out.
Do you eat carbs/meat/gluten/dairy?
Yes, yes, yes and yes. Preferably all at the same time.
Wow, Wowie… You have stuck with something for two whole years. What are your three favorite posts?
One, two and three
Do you have any tips for traveling with kids?
Make sure to take lots of snacks and drinks. And take something for the kids too.
How do you balance having a life AND a blog? I mean really, how do you do it?
I know it may come as a surprise to you, but I am not a FULL TIME blogger. I have a real job. I know the frequency of posts and depth of content made you think otherwise.
I want to visit Mississippi in August. Any tips?
Yes. Don’t visit Mississippi in August.
In honor of the birthday, I am giving away this hammered gold cross wrap bracelet…

Isn’t it rad? I got it at the new Hemline at The Township in Ridgeland. If you live around here, you should check it out. And while you are there, buy me these pants. Thanks.

Leave a comment, and I will randomly select a winner next week. Thanks for celebrating with me!
cake photo via Pinterest via Design Sponge
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