Easter fun

I hope you and your family had a lovely Easter. We had beautiful weather and lots of fun. We went to a picnic and egg hunt on Good Friday. Graham only ended up with four eggs because he stopped after he found each one and ate the candy. I don’t blame him. Easter candy is hard to resist.

On Saturday, we headed down south to another Easter picnic with the family. Yaya and the girls made some super cute treats they found on Pinterest. I have yet to make anything I’ve pinned, so I was impressed with their follow through.

The girls also got a bunny. It is so stinking cute! Meet Ginger…

Now, Wells wants a bunny. Oh lawsy! We dyed some Easter eggs…

And G smashed some eggs and dumped out dye…

The most fun event of the day was a water gun fight. I didn’t get any pictures because I didn’t want my camera to get ruined. But, I did hold it up whenever any of them came near me. “Sorry, can’t shoot me… camera.” Suckers.

The next day we got up bright and early to attend sunrise service and celebrate what Easter is truly all about. When we woke up Graham and told him it was time to get dressed he said, “not another picnic!”

Something that happened over the weekend made me realize that life can change in an instant. We are extremely blessed to have wonderful family and friends and two happy, healthy children. It is so easy to get consumed with the day to day and not be still and appreciate God’s love for us.

I serve a risen Savior, He’s in the world today;
I know that He is living whatever men may say;
I see His hand of mercy, I hear His voice of cheer,
And just the time I need Him, He’s always near.

2 responses to “Easter fun”

  1. Most of the pics you put of the bunny shows her bad eye.

    1. She wants the world to know…

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