weird science

Parents are all like, “my kid is soooo smart, my kid is soooo cute”… BOR-ING. Smart, cute kids are a dime a dozen. Want to know what is in for spring? Weird kids. Lucky me… I have one. And I have the pictures to prove it.

Weird kids put weird things on their heads. Bonus points if it happens in a restaurant.

Weird kids also like to put weird things on their faces.

Weird kids also like to get in things that are not made for getting into.

my doll bed from when I was g's age. told you my mama is a hoarder.

Weird kids have weird hair.

Weird kids read science encyclopedias.

Wait. Smart kids read encyclopedias. So my kid is weird AND smart. And I think he is kinda cute too.

6 responses to “weird science”

  1. isn’t there a pic in our senior yearbook of you sitting in a pot? or I am thinking of someone else?

    1. Yep, that’s me. He got it honest.

  2. Such a cute boy and it is great that you have captured his delightful personality for all of us to enjoy.

    1. Thanks, Aunt T. He is a mess!

  3. Nannie died when you said that girl thought she was gonna get cut.

    1. Laughing, I hope.

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