Last week, Graham and I got busy on our fall display. I love decorating for fall and Halloween. G loves playing in the dirt. We make a great team.

The finished product…

In other (more important) news, my precious niece Lily was elected to the homecoming court at her school. Graham and I got up bright and early last Friday for the day’s festivities. (Wells was stuck at home with strep throat…bless him.) Get ready for the most adorable thing ever…

Am I right, or am I right? You know Aunt Wowie was on the sidelines waving and hollering and making a scene. Can’t help it…I am just so stinking proud of her. She was beaming the entire time… such a special night. I love you, Lily… you are my heart.
Reminds me, SK brought me homecoming flowers the other day…

Not sure why he chose that particular flower presentation (was there a vase recall?), but I must say, I liked it. I am also not sure why he brought me flowers. The CEO of the company I work for says men only give flowers when they’ve done something wrong (wow, thanks for putting that in my head). After SK promised (repeatedly) that he was innocent, I accepted them. Then I walked around with them until all of the petals fell off. I was also waving and wearing a tiara. What? Y’all don’t do that?
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