The Help movie premiere is tomorrow in Madison at the Malco. What the what? A movie premiere in Mississippi? In July? In the middle of the afternoon? Don’t they remember how sweaty everyone in Mississippi looked in A Time to Kill? If stars actually do attend, and there is a “red carpet,” I hope they bring those misty fan things they sell at Disney World. It isn’t going to be pretty, y’all. I have tickets to attend and for the life of me, can’t figure out what to wear. Can you wear a wife beater to a movie premiere? (Don’t you love how I made it sound like I’m on the VIP list by leaving out the part about BUYING the tickets?) It should be fun, and I really am excited to see the movie. Lots of people (my mom and sister) have asked me if I will be disappointed if I don’t actually end up in the film. To this, I respond, “If I don’t see my ‘hive, I will survive.” Not really, because that is super lame, and I am not.
But, I really will not be disappointed because being an extra in the movie was actually a pretty good time. It was like a week long vacation/slumber party. I made new friends (the real kind, not Facebook), didn’t have to do my own hair and makeup, and got to sit at the same table with Mike Vogel for a week. And don’t even get me started on the food in Greenwood. Lusco’s, Giardina’s and Delta Bistro… yum, yum and yum. You shouldn’t be surprised that I am anxiously awaiting the next movie filming in Mississippi (and the arrival of my SAG card). Here are a few “behind the scenes” pics I haven’t shared…

I hope the movie does the book justice. And doesn’t make Mississippi look like the armpit of the South. Speaking of pits, I’d better load up on the Secret tomorrow.
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