the 4th, glasses and giveaway {winner}

I hope you had a happy 4th! We hung out by the pool, and ate too much BBQ and homemade ice cream. It was great. We also went to a couple of fireworks shows. G loves fireworks. Wells does not. He puts his fingers in his ears, and asks to stay in the car. On Sunday night, the fam went to Laurel to watch some. We found a great spot without having to get stuck in all the traffic. We parked and waited for them to begin. Other people begin to follow our lead. We totally started a “smart people don’t drive into that mess, so we will just watch it from here, thank you” trend. Boy, did we feel dumb when the fireworks started and we could only see an occasional flash through the trees in front of us. Oops. Wells thought it was awesome. The people who parked around us did not.

In other news, Wells had an vision screening at school earlier in the year, and they recommended a follow up visit with an eye doctor. I finally took him and the doc recommended glasses. So, I took him to another doctor… who also recommended glasses.

So, he got glasses. He puts them on as soon as he wakes up, and keeps them on all day. It has only been a week, but he is handling it better than I ever expected. And I think he looks pretty darn cute in them too…

We are knee deep in maters around here. We aren’t really, I just wanted to say that. But, there have been quite a few from the little garden this year. See for yourself…

We’ve had BLTs (yum), a couple of tomato tarts, and quite a few of these little numbers…

Super cute and easy. Like your mama. You just skewer a grape or cherry tomato with basil and a piece or two of fresh mozzarella. Drizzle it with olive oil and add salt and pepper. Sorry I said that about your mama. I’m sure she is a really nice lady.

I also grew these guys. Aren’t they pretty? So pretty that I immediately chopped them down and brought them inside to die.

Last but not least, congrats to Patricia K! She is the winner of the the Stella and Dot earring giveaway. Patricia, send your address to, and I will get them in the mail to you. Thanks for playing y’all.

4 responses to “the 4th, glasses and giveaway {winner}”

  1. I have a really good friend whose little girl has lazy eye, and she has worn glasses since she turned 3. It has been the best thing that has happened to her; so maybe it will be great for Wells too! My friend had no idea her daughter’s eyesight was so bad; she thought her little girl just liked to watch TV REALLY close to the screen!!! Wells’ glasses look awesome on him!

    1. Thanks, Olive. I just hope his friends at school think the glasses are as awesome as we do. 😉

  2. Leave my mamma out of this. And I speak for the vision challenged — and for the lazy eyes — that everything is gonna be all right. Look at me — the ladies love me.

  3. Farrah – those glasses are SO CUTE!!! I love them! You hate to put kids in glasses, but they really look cute in them, don’t they?! Hey, check out Paula Deen’s tomato pie recipe if you get over-run with them. Every summer I make it at least twice with all our tomatoes. It’s good. 🙂 Hope all is well.

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