baby’s first birthday

Guess who is turning one today? My sweet, little blog baby. It seems like only yesterday that I brought her into this world. I remember so vividly the months leading up to her arrival. What should I call her? Do I have enough love to go around? Is Sonic open at midnight… I need a banana split.

Just like all newborns, she wasn’t very active (or cute) to begin with. She did, however, require constant attention. There were many sleepless nights spent reading and replying to your many comments (cough cough). It was all worth it, because I have truly enjoyed her first year. Thanks BC for setting up this website, and for saying I wouldn’t use it. You know how much I like to prove you wrong.

Now what is a birthday without presents? My sweet friend, Amanda, is a stylist for Stella and Dot. If you haven’t heard of Stella and Dot, you must check it out. They carry great (affordable) jewelry, and you can purchase it online or at trunk shows. I got one of my favorite necklaces from Amanda, and added a locket that SK gave me for my 30th birthday. Gasp. You totally thought I was still in my twenties, right? RIGHT?

In honor of my blog baby turning one, I will be giving away this pair of Stella and Dot earrings. They. Are. Bananas. (Ugh. Now I’m thinking about Sonic again.)

For a chance to win, leave a comment below. Guys, (I know you are out there) do it for your lady friend. Think about it. The chance of winning is very high since only you and my mom read this, and she isn’t eligible. Sorry, Nan. A winner will be chosen at random next week. Good luck!

top photo via Pinterest

21 responses to “baby’s first birthday”

  1. Just started reading your blog… LOVE IT! You have a great sense of humor!

  2. Happy Birthday to your blog!! Those earrings are cute. I’ve always been curious to try Stella and Dot’s jewelry.

  3. I am so happy you are having a giveaway because I have been building up the courage to finally leave a comment. When a saw those earrings, I suddenly felt very brave.

    I have been reading your blog for a while now and love it! We are very good friends, even though you don’t know it. ๐Ÿ™‚ I found your blog months ago searching for pictures of the filming of “The Help”. I have been following it ever since and think you are the coolest!

  4. you know, especially since i saw you on your shopping extravaganza trip at target yesterday, that i read! happy birthday, blog!

    1. oops! that strike thing didn’t work quite right! sorry about that!!!

  5. Hi! I have been reading your blog for a couple of months and I absolutely love it! Congrats on the 1st birthday!!

  6. Keena Frazier Avatar

    Put me down to win!!! Happy bday blog! You keep me rolling…… ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. I want a piece of the Blog Birhtday Cake!!!!! Yummy!

  8. Happy Birthday to the best blog I know!

  9. You have quite the voice! I have enjoyed your writing and your joy immensely.

  10. OK you are hilarious!!! and Happy Birthday blog!

  11. I would really really love those earnings. And I promise to make you proud by only wearning them with cute outfits! Ok only except when I’m running late for work and didn’t iron the night before.

  12. I really need some new earrings. Cute Cute Cute!

  13. Y’all are too sweet! Thanks for all the blog love. My legal department told me to disclose that no sucking up is necessary to enter or win. But I kinda like it, so feel free keep it up.

  14. Love your blog and love those earrings too! ๐Ÿ™‚ Cory

  15. Donna Parmegiani Avatar
    Donna Parmegiani

    cute earrings. Happy 1 year to your blog. You know I love it ๐Ÿ™‚

  16. I’m new to your blog, but am loving what I found!
    I also Love Stella & Dot jewelry so I’m hoping to win those fab earrings!

  17. Hey! Happy birthday to “The Wowie”!!! Had dinner the other night with Tate Taylor and a few hundred of our friends and he promised there is going to be a showing of “The Help” in gwood! Y’all will have to come here and then we will come there – I am sure the experience of seeing the movie on the big screen in a town that doesn’t even have a big screen should be pretty interesting!!!! ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Talk to you soon – like when you notify me of my winnings!!!!

  18. Wowie, you know you want to give me the earrings. We’re family. To those who are reading this comment, if I win it will not be fixed. Although, I don’t know what I’d do with them, because they will be to big for me…

  19. I love the blog but I love living it more! I have never won anything in my life by the way…….):

  20. you know i love you, boo boo! sign me up for the snazzzzzzy earrings!

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