we gonna party like it’s your birthday…

Hi lovies. Uncle Scott came for a visit. He lives in Seattle, so we only see him once a year or so. He was worried that our kids watch too much television, and that they don’t eat enough vegetables. We told him we’d talk after he has a couple of his own. Until then, he has W and G to follow him around like he is a rock star.

G’s birthday party was Saturday. The weather was gorgeous, but Graham wasn’t feeling so hot. He was a trooper and had fun anyway, bless his heart. It was a great day spent with close family (in case you were wondering why you weren’t invited) and we were so happy Uncle Scott could be here.
Here are a few pics…

Have a great week!

One response to “we gonna party like it’s your birthday…”

  1. hahaha. partial rock star. you should post the photo of wells and me. that was a good one too. 🙂

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