Hello, loves. I’ve missed you. It has been super busy around here lately. I told Halloween that next weekend would be better for me, but it didn’t care. So we carved a pumpkin.

We finally got boo’d. I say finally because we were the last ones in the neighborhood. Like. Very. Last. Even the recluse that hates children and vacant houses got boo’d before us.

And we went trick-or-treating. G would NOT wear his lion costume. He screamed like someone was pinching him until we took it off. Luckily, we had another of Wells’ second hand costumes lying around. He did not freak out when we put the costume on, but would not wear the Curious George mask. I never really thought he would. So, G went as a kid in a brown felt jumpsuit.

Wells: “what the heck is she wearing?”

There were lots of golf carts and hay rides in our neighborhood. My group was not impressed by their mode of transportation.

G cried every time he saw a golf cart and Wells and Lily begged to go on a hayride. Kids these days. When I was little, we had to drive at least five miles between houses. In the snow.

After the sugar detox, they went to bed. It was a fun night. This time of year seems to go by so quickly, doesn’t it? I mean, next week is Thanksgiving and the week after is Christmas. Maybe they aren’t as pushy as Halloween and will agree to back off a bit.
Have a good week!
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