Tag: the help

  • Not again…

    I am almost embarrassed to say I did another scene in The Help. It is like a bad relationship. TH slaps me around and I keep going back for more. For example… Wow. Those are awesome. You want a pair, don’t you? Whatever. You don’t have to be so mean. The author of the book,…

  • Lights, Camera, {Not Much} Action!

    I was in Greenwood for six, long days and it was quite an experience. The first day while I was waiting for hair and makeup, I met two girls from Madison. Jane and Anna. They were besties. They were hilarious. I invited myself to their party. Speaking of hair and makeup, you would not believe…

  • Hollywood Bound!

    More like Greenwood, Mississippi, but whatever. Remember when I told you about the casting call here? Well guess what? They called and I am headed to Greenwood to play a Jackson Jr. Leaguer in the benefit scene. No smarty pants, I didn’t give her my dress. And I don’t have a speaking role either. It…