Tag: stylin’

  • friday four

    The tree is up and we are officially in the Christmas spirit. It’s been a while, so how about a friday four? These are a few of my fav-o-rite things this holiday season… 1. Ebates Do y’all use Ebates? It is a website you shop through (at stores like J. Crew, Piperlime, Etc.) to earn…

  • (not so) faq

    Another year has come and gone, and baby blog is TWO. In honor of the big day, I decided to answer some frequently asked questions; like the big girl bloggers. You know the ones. Their inboxes are crammed sooooo full of questions that they can’t respond individually, so they “reply all” via a blog post.…

  • fashion friday

    In case you missed it, Target launched a designer collaboration with Missoni this week. I stopped by on opening day at 8:30, and was certain I would have my pick of the collection. Boy was I wrong. That shizz was wiped out. Keep in mind Target opens at 8. It was madness. I saw two…