Tag: just wowie

  • friday five

    After all the terrible weather this past week, looks like we are going to have a beautiful weekend. Speaking of, please keep all the good folks in Mississippi who were affected by the storms in your prayers. 1. The Cause If you would like to help by shopping for a new pair of kicks, Arco…

  • v-day

    Valentine’s Day should be renamed “Women are Crazy Day,” or “No Matter What You Do We Will Not Be Satisfied Day.” Don’t get mad, ladies. You know it is true. He asks what you’d like for Valentine’s Day; to which you respond, “nothing.” And you mean it. Nothing he can give you will be enough…

  • Januweary

    The days are long, but the years are short. Or so they say. 2013 was short. But so was today. I really didn’t mean for that to rhyme. I am so predictable. On the first day of every year, I come ripping out the gate. I resolve to be fit, organized, present, vegan. I commit…