Tag: Holidays
Easter 2013
If nothing else, this blog is timely. Unless we are talking about every holiday post before this one, in which case, not so much. And timely is a relative term. Easter was just over a week ago. Less than one month = right on time in my book. Except I don’t have a book because…
happy happy happy
Happy Good Friday and Easter weekend. We are excited to spend today in New Orleans with cousins we haven’t seen in a while. The rest of the weekend will be jam packed with driving here, there and everywhere to visit family, picnic and attend sunrise service. And then there’s Easter pictures. Oh. The. Drama. Why…
north and south
Between Christmas and New Years, we took a little road trip to visit SK’s grandmother. On the way up, we stopped in Atlanta for the night. Atlanta is always a good time. The next morning, I convinced SK that I HAD to go to IKEA… on a Saturday… during the holidays. If you’ve been to…