Tag: Holidays

  • give thanks(giving a chance)

    The following is a public service announcement brought to you by The Wowie: It is not December. I repeat, it is NOT December. So can someone please tell me why people have Christmas trees up already? Has this been happening for years but people were too embarrassed to admit it? Is it Instagram’s fault? Someone…

  • rain, rain let’s try this a-gain

    The week leading up to Halloween was all kinds of busy. We got boo’d by some of our sweet neighbors… You mustache yourself if your boo basket contained something this cool… You also mustache yourself if you can pull one off from the church carnival face paint booth… Please note Wells’ Most Interesting Man in…

  • and many more…

    I just don’t understand how this happened. The blog birthday has come and gone, and I completely missed it. You would think the huge number of comments on that day would have reminded me. Just for the record, one is a huge number when it comes to comments on this blog. Unless you count my…