Tag: Halloween

  • trick

    I am about to do some magic. You are getting very sleeeeeepy. When I count to three, you will wake up and it will be {early} November. One, two, three… I hope you guys had an awesome Halloween. We did… I am still in a candy coma. Our new Chicago neighbors had a costume party…

  • wonderFall

    Last week, Graham and I got busy on our fall display. I love decorating for fall and Halloween. G loves playing in the dirt. We make a great team. The finished product… In other (more important) news, my precious niece Lily was elected to the homecoming court at her school. Graham and I got up…

  • Happy Halloween

    Hello, loves. I’ve missed you. It has been super busy around here lately. I told Halloween that next weekend would be better for me, but it didn’t care. So we carved a pumpkin. We finally got boo’d. I say finally because we were the last ones in the neighborhood. Like. Very. Last. Even the recluse…