Tag: garden
southern summer
Weekends are tricky. You do too much and then you don’t feel rested. You don’t do anything and you feel like you wasted it. The weekend after school got out was a really good one. It started off with Graham’s first t ball game. I love watching four year olds play baseball. It is hilarious.…
the 4th, glasses and giveaway {winner}
I hope you had a happy 4th! We hung out by the pool, and ate too much BBQ and homemade ice cream. It was great. We also went to a couple of fireworks shows. G loves fireworks. Wells does not. He puts his fingers in his ears, and asks to stay in the car. On…
Garden Party
Last weekend we planted our backyard veggie garden. I know what you are thinking, but I AM from Jasper county. We plant tomatoes, cucumbers, strawberries and herbs. My Dad built the above ground box a few years ago, and we have really enjoyed it. See G in the background? He really has a green thumb.…