Tag: family

  • What Up, Beach?

    So by now you know that I like camping, and that I like the beach. So what could possibly be better than camping at the beach? crickets I couldn’t come up with anything either. Grayton Beach State Park (located on 30A, east of Destin, FL) offers both. I wanted to reserve a tent site, but…

  • nine ten eleven

    Yesterday was SK’s birthday. We like birthdays around here. We had breakfast at Cracker Barrel, had cake and presents and then went on a date. We had appetizers at Mint, saw Crazy, Stupid Love (it was crazy good) and had a late dinner at Shapley’s. It was a great day. Happy Birthday, Stevie Baby. I…

  • Wells the First

    Last week, Steve’s grandfather passed away. His name was Wells. Yep, that is who we named our sweet boy after. He was 95 years old according to his birth certificate. According to him, he was 96, and the birth certificate was incorrect… always had been. Either way, he was born a long time ago; before…