Tag: books
friday five
After all the terrible weather this past week, looks like we are going to have a beautiful weekend. Speaking of, please keep all the good folks in Mississippi who were affected by the storms in your prayers. 1. The Cause If you would like to help by shopping for a new pair of kicks, Arco…
friday four
1. Detox Bath I’ve been a little too wrapped up to commit to a full fledged cleanse or even a workout. In lieu, I’ve been soaking in a detox bath. A cup or so of baking soda, two cups of epsom salt and a few drops of lavender oil. Not sure if it is actually…
friday four
Two posts in two days? Slap me silly, and call me Sally. It must be all the extra time I have since I’ve stopped complaining about how hot it is. Hallelujah. 1. Leopard Coat Since the cooler weather is here (and hopefully to stay), I tried on my Asos leopard coat I ordered a while…