Tag: blog birthday

  • over the hill

    Guess what yesterday was? The Wowie’s 4th birthday. Do you know how old that is in blog years? Like 50. Or maybe even 100. In honor of this momentous occasion, I shall share 100 Wowie facts that you should know by now. Wait. A hundred is sort of ambitious. I’ll do fifty. But fifty things…

  • and many more…

    I just don’t understand how this happened. The blog birthday has come and gone, and I completely missed it. You would think the huge number of comments on that day would have reminded me. Just for the record, one is a huge number when it comes to comments on this blog. Unless you count my…

  • (not so) faq

    Another year has come and gone, and baby blog is TWO. In honor of the big day, I decided to answer some frequently asked questions; like the big girl bloggers. You know the ones. Their inboxes are crammed sooooo full of questions that they can’t respond individually, so they “reply all” via a blog post.…