Tag: baby g
Friday {Graham is Turning} Five
Happy Friday, folks. Graham’s 5th birthday is Sunday. In honor of the special occasion, this “Five on Friday” is all about G. 1. Time Flies I don’t want to be all Debbie Downer “Dingoes ate my baby,” but where the heck did he go? The whole “your children will grow up so quickly” is legit.…
On teeth and tonsils…
This July has been quite eventful for Wells Wilder. He lost his first tooth… It had been loose for a while, and we really dreaded pulling it. Barf. Thankfully, it fell out in his sleep. And praise and glory to the Lord that he didn’t swallow it. He came downstairs with it in this little…
mayday mayday
And just like that, another school year comes to a close. Of course, Graham waited until the last week to decide to dress himself… I also waited until the last week to have the most genius idea ever. Most mornings this year have looked something like this… It is super hard to wake them up…