I’m sure you have already read The Help by Kathryn Stockett. If you haven’t you should. You will love it. But hurry, they are currently in pre-production on the film and you want to be all “I read the book and it was so much better” after you see it.

They are filming in Greenwood and Jackson during August and September. Saturday they held an open call for extras. Help wanted. Get it… HELP wanted? Just forget it. If you know me, you know I was there. Two hours early. With donut holes and sunscreen. Luckily, a friend from work likes the book as much as I do, so I didn’t have to wait alone.

We were in the first group to go through. We turned in our pictures and forms and were out of there. It took 15 seconds. We were disappointed. Not sure what I expected but it was something along the lines of being instantly cast for a lead. What? I was all hyped up on sugar from the donuts, mmmkay?
Saturday afternoon I had all but given up on my acting career when I got an email from THE PRODUCER OF THE FREAKING MOVIE. He said that Kathryn Stockett had seen the photo I submitted, and that I could be in the movie if I would give her the dress I was wearing. WHAT THE WHAT?

I totally thought someone was pranking me. They were not. After careful consideration of how to play this (another 15 seconds), I responded that it was an anniversary gift and my favorite. For that, I would need a speaking role. You know what happened next?
So now it is Sunday afternoon and I have all but given up on my acting career. I should have given her the freaking dress.