In July, we rode SK’s coattails all the way to Cali. He had to go for work, but the rest of us just wanted to escape Mississippi heat and rain.

When we landed in San Diego, I thought we’d accidentally gotten on the wrong plane. It was dreary and rainy and did not look like the San Diego I remembered. By the time we left the airport, it was pouring. We didn’t have an umbrella because, hello, California. We waited for it to slack off, but it never did.

We made a run for the rental car bus terminal, but didn’t realize the road we were crossing had at least a foot of standing water at the opposite edge. SK’s shoes got soaked and both boys pulled their suitcases through the tiny river. (I was last in line and picked mine up before crossing.) When we finally got to our rental car, we were all drenched. In keeping with our customs, the car was not big enough to accommodate our luggage (or full size people).

After a full day of travel, SK wasn’t fired up about switching vehicles and decided we could just move our stuff to the car parked next to us. You have likely rented a car before and know that is not how it works. When we finally left the rental lot, it was flooded. You think I am kidding.

I’m not. Hurricane Delores decided to drop record rainfall on the area.
When we got on the 5 to head to La Jolla, I realized quickly that I was in an episode of The Californians.

The rain was not letting up. Exits were closed due to roads being washed out. The road to our hotel was also closed. The GPS lady was not aware of the inclement weather and instructed us to make a legal U turn no less than 1000 times.

It was nerve-racking and scary and loud…

For most of us.
When we got to the hotel, we realized the water had seeped through the boys’ suitcases and most of their clothes were soaked. I don’t know about you, but I love to lock myself in a bathroom with a pile of wet clothes and a hairdryer. Thanks a lot, Delores.
Later that evening, it cleared up, and we went to a Padres game.

The Padres’ shortstop caught a fly ball third out in the seventh inning, and tossed Graham the ball as he ran back to the dugout.

The next day we went to Legoland. Wells and I had been before, so we thought we were cooler than SK and G.

As cool as one can feel while visiting Legoland dressed like a minion.

It was humid and hot and felt like home. We had a fantastic time but it was cut short by an afternoon torrential downpour.

That night we had dinner at Piatti in La Jolla.

On the way inside, I noticed umbrellas in the corner.

Yep, that’s a beach umbrella. Because why would anyone need a regular umbrella in San Diego?

The next day, I took the boys to visit the beach and Sea Lions.

Dr. Seuss lived in La Jolla. The boys spotted lots of his plants.

Later that afternoon, we met SK for some guacamole and a little more beach time.

SK had a work dinner, so the rest of us hung out at the pool and ordered room service. He felt guilty for leaving us. We felt guilty for not having to go to a work dinner.

The following day, the boys and I went to SeaWorld.

We left in time to catch the sunset at the beach.

It was a great trip that went by too quickly. San Diego and La Jolla are absolutely beautiful, and we love it there. Rain or shine.

It is a little late, but our sincerest apologies to the business travelers in row ten. Yep. That is Graham’s “I finally wore her down on the Coke” face.